To kick off our one-week "carbon cleanse", we start by looking at consumption. Here's a summary of the tasks they list for today:
1. Type up a list of things we need to buy this week.
2. Start collecting our trash everyday day in a reuseable bag, and hang on to it for the week. We will need to carry home any trash we create throughout the day. This will help us actually see what we are throwing away, and how much of it.
3. Don't shop. Luckily, we don't have much money so not shopping for extra items is easy for us :)
There is more info on shopping, though Guthrie and I are pretty good about this one. We try to fix things and are learning a lot about how to accomplish DIY projects around the house, use Twins Cities Free Cycle or Craigslist when we can before we buy (though we have bad luck), we like community garage sales, Salvation Army, Savers, and second-hand clothing. We make our cleaners and some of our beauty products (though we will add to the list as we go). We honestly spend most of our money on food. The main part of today I am excited about is that I believe hanging on to our trash will be very educational for us. Also, having to hang on to it might make us create less -- I hope!
Also, Guthrie is starting his home brewing today. We did not have a stock pot or a dial thermometer, but instead of buying, we are borrowing since those are items you don't use too often.
Here are some websites the manual listed to help with our (and your) consumer choices:
- National Green Pages (instead of the yellow pages we are trying to avoid)
Stay turned for more -- tomorrow's topic is trash!
*and a half? Guthrie and I just had a discussion as to whether or not we count each day as an actual change. We can't really count this first day. Even though participating in No Impact Week is new for us, it is not something that we are going to sustain (like carrying our trash with us). We will only count the days (like tomorrow) where we learn or incorporate something into our lives that will be a sustained change as to how we consume, reduce, reuse, recycle, and impact the world.
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