Tuesday, January 4, 2011

No Impact Week: Transportation / Take Action

This has not been our winter for putting the car away. My placement in Saint Paul made things very difficult and this week is especially a weird one -- three dinner dates, two to the suburbs. We also have other activities either in the suburbs or on the other side of town due to me being on break and us cramming in a ton of activities. We will also be visiting a state park 1.5 hours away to go snowshoeing. We'll be using the car more than usual this week because of that, but the good news in my student teaching placement is on my bus route, so I will be busing five days a week. Guthrie will be busing (as he usually does) to the Courage Center 4-5 days per week. The car will get a rest. We are definitely not winter bikers, and don't pretend to be. Though I am excited to get rid of the snow already because I do miss exercising and commuting at the same time.

The manual has an interesting fact: American car owners spend an average of 1,000 hours annually behind the wheel. Yikes! I hate the car! Definitely would rather be someplace else--at least on public transit you can read (or knit!).

Okay, the steps for today (though, I'm not going to lie, due to the unusual week, we will be breaking some rules--though we have been carpooling with many of our dinner date couples and friends to these activities!):

1. Take stock of your habits. Make a list of everywhere you are going today and how you usually get there.

Guthrie -- took the bus today. I'm at home today. We will go out to eat later, but will take the car since Guthrie would miss the meeting time if he took the bus. Sadly, a draw back of public transit: It takes more time.

2. Throughout the day, make a list of everything you eat, where you eat, and where you purchase your food. (Getting reading for tomorrow!)

3. "Go! Bike, walk, scoot, glide, hop on the bus. Carpool." Due to the subzero temps and places we are going off of the bus grid, we will be doing more of the last two. I don't feel bad, it is what it is, and maybe next winter we'll be able to extend our eco-commute from the winter months. Though, now that it is cold, remember not to idle, and drive carefully and safely with properly inflated tires, it maximizes your mileage. Accelerate slowly and take your foot off of the accelerator as soon as you an when approaching a yellow or red light. If you check your MPG every time you fill up, you will see some changes. Also, make sure you are using your cruise control when you can on the highway--definitely saves on long trips. There's an interesting article that talks about using the cruise control almost all of the time to keep you at the speed limit, and to help you to accelerate slowly.

Want to learn more about how to get the most mileage out of your car? Check out hypermilers.com.

4. Reflect and write down five things you are thankful for:
  1. Family
  2. Friends
  3. Food
  4. Felines (can't believe I didn't think of this yesterday)
  5. Freckles -- why not? :)

The other part of today is to take action. They provide a link to the Sierra Club to to learn more about issues and to sign petitions all in one place. You can also sign up for quick and simple email action alerts through the Sierra Club.

That's all for today. Stay tuned tomorrow for Food!


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