When Guthrie and I lived in Atlanta, there was only one co-op in the entire metro area! Every time Guthrie and I would be back to visit, I would beg him to take me to the Wedge or the fabulous new Seward co-op, as that is where I get all of my power. I truly love my co-op. I do almost all of my shopping there -- no need for Rainbow or even Target. Sometimes it's hard to make greener more sustainable decisions with every purchase you make, but shopping at the co-op helps make the decisions easier. The products usually have a lower carbon footprint, are well labeled so you know if they are local, and are often organic and/or fair trade. Guthrie and I ran out to the Seward Co-op to become members there. As a former member of the Wedge, I am so happy to back supporting my co-op.
Choose one near you --
The membership is usually around $80 and you are purchase class C stock. Though if you find you don't like the co-op experience (who wouldn't?) you can always sell back your shares and get your money back. Though perks vary by co-op, you usually get coupons, perks like 10% off one purchase every three months, bulk items at a discount, a vote for the board, class discounts, newsletters, and access other fun member-only events.
For more information on your Minnesota co-ops, organic gardening tips, recipes, events, etc check out this website:
Twin Cities Food Co-ops
Let me know if you ever want to carpool to Seward! Happy shopping! Peace!
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